Orchestral Suite (Overture) No. 3
- 作曲家
- 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫
- 类型
- Classic,序曲
- 作品
- BWV 1068
- 调性
- D大调
- 乐器
- 管弦乐团
- Air on a G string (trombone quartet)
- Trombone Quartet
- Air on a G string (string quartet)
- 弦乐四重奏,Continuo
- Air on a G string
- 小提琴
- Joel Belov
- 钢琴
- Robert Gayler
- 1920 录制 upload.wikimedia.org
- Air on the G string
- 读沿的分数。 youtube.com
- Air on a G string (easy piano) -cantorion
- youtube.com
- Air on a G string (string quartet) -cantorion
- youtube.com
- Bandinerie Flute
- 我玩 Bandinerie 长笛-从巴赫套房 b 小调。无人陪伴 youtube.com
- J.S.Bach - Air on the G String
- youtube.com
We have selected some printed editions we think may be useful.
- Air from the Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D, BWV 1068
- $5.95
- Schott Music
- Air from Orchestral Suite No. 3
- $3.95
- Piano
- Alfred Publishing
- Air on the G String BWV 1068 (French Horn / Horn)
- $9.95
- French horn, Horn, Piano
- Fentone Music
- Suite No. 3 in D Major
- $11.95
- Orchestra, Full orchestra
- Alfred Publishing
- Six Brandenburg Concertos and Four Orchestral Suites
- $16.95
- Dover Publications
The above text from the Wikipedia article "管弦組曲" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "管弦組曲" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Air on the G String, de:Orchestersuite Nr. 3, ko:관현악 모음곡 3번 라장조, it:L'aria sulla quarta corda, hu:Air a D-dúr szvitből, mk:Напев на Г-жица, ja:管弦楽組曲 第3番, pt:Suíte nº 3 para orquestra