Movements for Camila Nro. 2
Exercise for Camila in four movements

- 作曲家
- B M Maiello
- 作品
- Ex.16
- 调性
- F大调
- 创作年份
- 2018
- Place of composition
- Buenos Aires
- Cycle
- Free Interpretation
- 页
- 3
- 编曲
- Alanis Thompson
- 乐器
- 钢琴
- 类型
- Variations
- 难度
- Reasonably Easy
- 许可
- Word Music Associeted
- 上传
- Word Music Associeted
- 文件大小
- 45.1 KB
- Movements for Camila (second movements)
- 钢琴
- Sam Dani Mook
- 地点
- Dallas, Texas, USA
- 第二乐章。玩得更活泼开朗。
关于Movements for Camila Nro. 2
Second movement for Camila in F major. Composed for musical educational establishments from different parts of the world.
Other arrangements
Bruno Martin Maiello创作的更多音乐
- Bony Bony
Part of Piano - 钢琴
- Bony Bony
- The Happy
Tall sax,Tenor sax,Trumpet in Bb 1,Trumpet in Bb 2 and trombone
- The Happy
- Bony Bony
Part of Flutes - 笛
- Bony Bony
- Sara
Sara Suite - 钢琴
- Sara
- Bony Bony
Part of clarinet B flat - 单簧管
- Bony Bony