Machination No. 2

- 作曲家
- 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫
- 页
- 1
- 乐器
- 钢琴
- 类型
- New music
- 难度
- 简单
- 许可
- 公有领域
- 上传
- Joan Cantor
- 文件大小
- 81.4 KB
Machination No. 2 is an easy piece for piano. It is in 5/8 and in D flat major, although it sounds like C major because of all the accidentals. It was influenced by the minimalist movement.
Machination No. 2 was written in the Summer of 2008 during an inspirational holiday to Wales. Jacqueline is currently arranging this piece for orchestra, due for completion early in 2009.
The work is from the larger set 'Two Machinations for Solo Piano'.
Machination No. 2 was written in the Summer of 2008 during an inspirational holiday to Wales. Jacqueline is currently arranging this piece for orchestra, due for completion early in 2009.
The work is from the larger set 'Two Machinations for Solo Piano'.
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