中華民國國歌 (National Anthem of Taiwan)

- 作曲家
- 程懋筠
- 创作年份
- 1928
- 页
- 1
- 乐器
- 声乐
- 作词
- 胡漢民 (Hu Han-min),戴季陶 (Tai Chi-t'ao),廖仲愷 (Liao Chung-k'ai),邵元沖 (Shao Yüan-ch'ung)
- 类型
- 国歌:
- 许可
- 公有领域
- 上传
- Music Library
- 文件大小
- 238 KB
The "National Anthem of the Republic of China" is the national anthem of the Republic of China (ROC). It was originally adopted in 1930 by the ROC as its national anthem and was used as such in mainland China until 1949, when the central government of the Republic of China relocated to Taiwan following its defeat by the Chinese Communist Party in the Chinese Civil War. It replaced the "Song to the Auspicious Cloud", which had been used as the Chinese national anthem before. The national anthem was adopted on October 25, 1945 after the surrender of Japan. Mainland China, being governed by People's Republic of China today, has discontinued this national anthem for "March of the Volunteers".
The above text from the Wikipedia article "National Anthem of Taiwan" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "National Anthem of Taiwan" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.