Overture in the French style

- 作曲家
- 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫
- 作品
- BWV 831
- 调性
- B小调
- 页
- 17
- 乐器
- 钢琴
- 类型
- Classic,序曲
- 难度
- 高级搜索
- 许可
- 公有领域
- 上传
- Tony Wilkinson
- 文件大小
- 1,002 KB
关于Overture in the French style
The Overture in the French style, BWV 831, original title Ouvertüre nach Französischer Art, also known as the French Overture and published as the second half of Clavier-Übung II in 1735, is a suite in B minor for two-manual harpsichord written by Johann Sebastian Bach. An earlier version of this work exists, in the key of C minor ; the work was transposed into B minor to complete the cycle of tonalities in Parts One and Two of the Clavier-Übung. The keys of the six Partitas form a sequence of intervals going up and then down by increasing amounts: a second up, a third down, a fourth up, a fifth down, and finally a sixth up. The key sequence continues into Clavier-Übung II (1735) with two larger works: the Italian Concerto, a seventh down, and the French Overture, an augmented fourth up. Thus this sequence of customary tonalities for 18th-century keyboard compositions is complete, extending from the first letter of his name to the last letter of his name.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "Overture in the French style, BWV 831 (Bach)" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "Overture in the French style, BWV 831 (Bach)" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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