Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 1
- 作曲家
- 路德维希·范·贝多芬
- 类型
- Classic
- 作品
- Op. 40
- 调性
- G大调
- 创作年份
- 1802
- 乐器
- 小提琴,管弦乐团
- Full score
- 小提琴,管弦乐团
The Romance for violin and orchestra No. 1 in G major, Op. 40, was composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, one of two such compositions, the other being Romance No. 2 in F major, Op. 50. It was written in 1802, four years after the second Romance, and was published 1803, two years before the publication of the second. Thus, this romance was designated as Beethoven's first.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "Violin Romance No. 1 (Beethoven)" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "Violin Romance No. 1 (Beethoven)" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.