God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen

- 作曲家
- 傳統的
- 页
- 1
- 乐器
- 声乐
- 类型
- 圣诞颂歌,Nine Lessons and Carols
- 许可
- 公有领域
- 上传
- Joan Cantor
- 文件大小
- 86.4 KB
The carol exists in a wide variety of versions, and even with differing numbers of verses. The lyrics given in this version are the most commonly used today, taken from Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern, by William Sandys, published in 1833. The tune originally published in 1833 is different from the one commonly used today. The original chorus words are also different. This version uses the melody and chorus words that are more common today.
The authors of the words and melody are unkown.
The authors of the words and melody are unkown.
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Full score - 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫
- 声乐,管弦乐团
- 康塔塔号11